Besides reading I love cooking so it’s always nice finding books dedicated to culinary romance. “The Problem with Him” by Rachel Higginson as all of the series is full of taste, spicy scenes and sweet love.
Kaya is the sous chef in one of the most famous restaurants but she is ready to move up in the hierarchy. Her only problem is the head chef Wyatt. They are like oil and water and although there is attraction, their antagonism is off the charts. When the perfect opportunity arises she has to decide if love or job is more worth it…Or can she have both?
I liked both characters. We have known Wyatt from the previous books and although in the beginning he has lost his playfulness due to his responsibilities, throughout the book you discover he has many layers. He is responsible, serious and has vulnerabilities. I loved that he was not afraid to admit his need for Kaya but also how much he admired her and respected her decisions.
Kaya is the center ford of this book. She is strong willed, independent and a little difficult. In a job which is led by men she has the guts and the courage to show what she is worth and take what she deserves. I loved her decisiveness and her will. Sometimes she was acting a little crazy towards Wyatt but I liked that she knew it too that she was confused and didn’t know how to behave. It was admirable seeing that she admitted her mistakes and found herself.
I think the author wanted to focus more on the heroine’s journey to success than the couple itself. Although they are cute together and sizzling hot, I would have liked to see a clearer transition from enemies to lovers. What I mean is that I missed a little the foreplay and found them moving too quickly to the stage of being in love. You can see that they like each other but I wanted the deeper connection. Despite that I have to admit that Wyatt was a true romantic at heart and I loved his words and his actions and how open he was. Maybe if there was his point of view, I would have loved them even more.
It was also great seeing the characters from the previous books moving on with their lives.
The Problem with Him could be titled “Her Fight” because it’s an ode to the strong and ambitious women who know what they want and do everything to succeed.
You don’t want to miss having a taste of this delicious series and try resisting devouring it whole!
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