New Review- Elusive by L.A. Fiore

L.A. Fiore writes books that stick with you and this tale of modern pirates is so unique and wonderful that will stay with you forever! I have never read a romance book with pirates and I didn’t know what to expect. My mind went to old romance books with the classic storylines but “Elusive” will surprise you with its realism and twists. This is a story of adventure, love, darkness and friendship.

Willow has lived a lonely life as her parents have abandoned her for hunting treasures. Her only support is her grandfather who has given her the love for history and old tales. She is a romantic at heart and when a sexy stranger gives her an unexpected gift, she is ready to uncover a love story two hundred years old. She doesn’t expect though to find her own love story and give her heart away to the mysterious “pirate”.

Our hero has not a place to call home. He has known darkness all his life and now the sea and his team of lost boys are his only companion. He is a thief but he doesn’t expect his heart to be stolen by an innocent girl.

I love how different they are but click so perfectly together. Their relationship is so sexy but also emotional. Our heroine will find her courage and her spirit with him and our hero will soften his hard heart only for her.

This story will take you into an unexpected journey filled with action and love beyond time. L.A. Fiore took an old trope and turned it into an epic book that will leave you enthralled. The only thing that I have to say; all aboard…

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