A.L. Jackson is back with a new series and let me tell you it starts with a bang! “Show Me the Way” is a book that will play with your heartstrings and you will keep turning the pages quickly until the end. I devoured it in just a few hours forgetting everything around me as this story picked my interest without letting go.
Rynna ran from her town when she was just seventeen and now she is back to get her life back. All the hurt of her past is chasing her but she is determined to honor her grandma’s dream and nothing will stand in her way of reopening the diner she once loved.
Rex has hit pause on his life when his wife left him to raise his daughter alone and now he has no room for distractions. His little girl is the only woman he is devoted to and his sexy neighbor should stay away.
The temptation is bigger than they both anticipate and soon they have to make a decision if they want to move forward and give love a second chance.
Rex is gruff, bitter and cynical but you can see that behind his shield of animosity there is a man hurt. He just wants to protect his little daughter and his heart. When he finally decides to surrender to their attraction, you can see that there is a man caring, protective and loving.
Rynna is an amazing female heroine. Although, she has been through so much, she remains innocent and open to feelings. She doesn’t guard herself and she is giving to other people. She is full of love and light.
Rex’s daughter is such a nice addition to the story. She is adorable and her relationship with her dad gives him a chance to show his vulnerable and soft side.
The side characters are so intriguing and prepare you for the next books and I cannot wait to hear their heart-felt stories.
As for A.L. Jackson’s writing, what can I say? This author crafts masterfully her characters and she has a way to earn your interest with just a few sentences. Her words pull you in and you find yourself invested into their happily ever after. There are ups and downs into their story but not once you will look away.
“Show Me the Way” is a book that will consume you and you will want to get lost into this story! It’s heartbreaking, emotional and a great start to a promising series! I cannot wait for more…